March 2019

A letter to my future child, from your infertile mother

I always speak to you in my mind, but I thought putting something down in words might better be able to reach you. I just want you to know that we are still fighting for you. We have not given up. We truly believe that you are still out there somewhere, and we can’t wait… Continue reading A letter to my future child, from your infertile mother

March 2019

My experience with the hidden costs of IVF Treatment

One of the most important considerations for any couple thinking about undergoing IVF is the cost. Whilst IVF is technically available on the NHS in the UK, there are many restrictions to this. Not only have there been drastic cut-backs over the past few years so that IVF is often not available at all in certain… Continue reading My experience with the hidden costs of IVF Treatment

March 2019

Why the ‘fertility window’ is more complicated than it seems

As if dealing with infertility wasn’t hard enough, the realisation that some women have when they start exploring the inner workings of their monthly cycle that there are only a few days every month where it is actually possible to get pregnant is pretty overwhelming. That’s why, if you have any chance of conceiving naturally,… Continue reading Why the ‘fertility window’ is more complicated than it seems